Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Gujia is a sweet dumpling made with suji or Maida flour wheat flour and stuffed with khoya.

Gujia is a sweet dumpling made with suji or Maida flour wheat flour and stuffed with khoya. 


• Maida – 1 cup
• Ghee – 2 tablespoons
• Milk – 2 tablespoons
• Water-as required

• Mava – 1 cup
• Fine powdered sugar – 1 cup
• Grated coconut – ½ cup
• Cardamom powder – 1 teaspoon
• Chiraunji (Cudpahnut) – 1 tsp

1. Take maida and add ghee.
2. Now add milk and then water to make tight dough.
3. Keep it covered for 10-15 minutes.

For filling
1. Take a heavy bottomed pan and stir the mava in it till it turns light brown and let it cool.
2. Now add sugar, grated coconut, cardamom powder and chiraunji to it.

3. You can also add other dry fruits, like raisins, cashews or almonds. The filling is ready.
4. Now take the dough, and make small balls with it; keep them covered in a plate.
5. Take one ball at a time and make a small circle with it (like a small roti).
6. Prepare 10-15 circles and keep them covered in a plate.
7. Now take one circle, place it over the gujiya mould, apply water on its (the circle's) sides, fill the mixture in the circle and close the mould.

8. Press tightly on the sides of the mould.
9. Now open the mould and take out the gujiya.
10. Collect these gujiyas in a dish and keep it covered.
11. Now take ghee in a pan and heat it.
12. Slowly transfer the gujiyas to it and fry till they turn golden brown.
13. Either serve hot or let them cool and store in a closed container.
14. They can be stored for 10-15 days.

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